Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feng Shui – Ensure your Business Success

Home environment as well as the environment at an office entirely differs from one another. Unlike home at office the total concentration is on increasing wealth and goodwill of the company. It is obvious that you have to work hard for your business because your business cannot exist or flourish until you have a permanent source of income. Without income you cannot earn money and live a peace life. Money is also essential for employing people for your office. No money means, no outcome and no outcome mean no business. 

Feng shui for office helps in creating a warm environment that is welcoming for the employees as well as the prospective ones and is also helpful in productive activities. It is well known to us that all our office as well as residential areas are equally important for bright future and harmony. This art of bring positive effects concentrates on boosting up the business, performance of business, optimization of workforce and lessening scandalous legal problems  In business affairs the placement of your desk, chair and other furniture articles are important. For example placing a desk assists you in successfully running your office or your home based business. Other than this the desk is also used for personal finances. Overall it can be rightly said that desk symbolizes financial accomplishment. Thus, every single placement of things and articles matters a lot in ensuring the growth of your business in a proper manner.

1. The company main entrance gate must open before an open area.

2. Mirror must be placed in such a manner that they reflect auspicious symbols. The mirror must never reflect staircase or bathroom.

3. Near the cash counter, invoice books or near the cash register you must place an I-Ching coin. The positive wave and influence from this coin helps in flow of money.

4. In your entrance gate you must hang a lucky bell.

5. On the south-east corner of the office you must place something that has water such as aquarium or other item that has water features.

6. Make sure that the back of the entrepreneur must not face the window or door while sitting on the office chair. The back should always be against a wall. If the back is facing a window then you must sit with some giant thing behind your back that supports you like a mountain.

7. Face the door if you are working from your home office so that you can easily welcome the work coming to you through door.

8. Seating should be arranged in a corner that is farthest from entrance to room. This setting provides a commanding position.

9. Never sit straight with the door because then you will directly be affected by the negative energy that comes from the door inside the room.

10. Your workspace should never face a corridor, stair, store room, elevator, toilet or closed cupboards.

11. To enhance creativity you must ensure that you laptop or your computer is placed in the north or west direction of your office. Whereas, to generate more income; you must place your computer or laptop in the south-eastern direction of your office area.

12. Construct metal safe and place it in the west or North-West direction. Safe is essential because it symbolizes prosperity as well as financial stability of your company.

13. While decorating the office you must ensure that there is a perfect balance of yin and yang.
14. Treat all your business files and folders with respect.

15. All the cords of office equipment such as computer accessories, fax machine and telephone should be well hidden. This method helps chi to flow free from here and there without any clutter.

Once you have made sure that all the rules are followed you ensure that with dedicated work and effort you will taste the success. Gaining competitive advantage is actually difficult nowadays in the worldwide market. Feng shui can boost up your business so that you can easily survive the downturns of the market when the economy is not in favor of you. 

Feng Shui - An Ancient Chinese System

The literary meaning of feng shui is wind and water. Sometimes this ancient Chinese system of art is also called as the Chinese art of geomancy, “earth measuring”. Intangible energy is known as chi that surrounds the meaning and application. Designing the building from exterior as well as interior in accordance with traditional Chinese art called feng shui that depends entirely on two fundamentals that are entirely based on two universal law of nature.

1. Yin and Yang
2. Interrelationship among Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.

The best thing about this lovely Chinese art is the atmosphere it provides. Its main goal is to fill up the empty spaces in an appropriate manner so that the people living in the building get all beneficial and positive energy that protects them from negativity and harmful energies. Humans or spirits may reside in the dwelling space thus Chinese use this ancient system to locate and design tombs, houses, buildings as well as other structures.
It is very difficult to understand the principals of wind and water and so is the principles of Chinese ancient art i.e. feng shui. First of all you must know the bonding between wind, water and land that always surrounds a structure you are concentrating. In china the practicing scholars suggests that there should be a little bit of southern exposure. In the back of the structure hill or other natural feature should be present and in corner front there should be a water source. Remember that the water source should not be exactly in the front but in the front corners where the water should flow towards.

The believers as well as practitioners of this fabulous art dedicate themselves in preparing a structure with perfect analysis of both interiors and exteriors. Analysis is done with help of a compass that is entirely based on the traditional Chinese ideas. If, there occurs a problem then remedies are also there to overcome the problem. It is said that if you place a mirror at a specific spot, only then it can help you fight with the ill effects of the negative energy. To understand the human spirits it is important to experience feng shui.

Yin and yang and chi together help in establishing the patterns or methods of positioning the graves, furniture and structures.

This ancient art of china is recognized all over the world. The two universal law of the universe namely yin and yang and the five elements of universe are very important to understand, if you really wish to understand this Chinese art. Yin and yang is simple and at the same time it is complex also. The basis of Feng Shui Chinese horoscope, acupuncture, medicine and Chinese vastu shastra is yin and yang. If you are unfamiliar with yin and yang terms then it would be impossible for you to understand the actual foundation of life.  Yin represents the black portion that signifies female side and represents weakness, depression, gloomy, frozen and so on. Whereas, Yang represent the white portion that is significant of the male side. The white portion represents happiness, cheerfulness, light and strength. In the yin you will see a white circle and in yang you will find the black circle to make you understand that neither is complete without the presence of other. From researches it was found that because of imbalance in yin and yang as well as the five elements illness is caused. Together both help in improving the lives of the living things.

In simple we can say that this ancient Chinese art when concentrates on home helps in wining challenges like study and legal matters, brings harmony, generates great relationship, improves health, wealth and prosperity, boosts individuals careers, create a good surrounding atmosphere and bring happiness in life. 

Feng Shui – 5 tips for your Health

Someone has truly experienced and said these golden words “health is wealth”. You can live without wealth but without health you cannot survive for longer. Feng shui that is a part of ancient Chinese astrology is been used for over thousands of years for ailing humans and bringing prosperity. People are nowadays familiar with the terms acupuncture and herbal medicines and are welcoming them with open hands and hearts. This lovely form of Chinese astrology offers numerous tips to help you improve your health. Healthy body both physically and mentally is very important for a great life ahead. Without health you will not be able to enjoy the other important aspects of life.

According to the metaphysics of Chinese there are five important factors that are important for the well being of human and other living thing.

First of all, the most important factor that influences our life and safety are the destiny. Destiny is entirely based on the date of your birth. On basis of birth date you can find out what is destined for you in this life.

Secondly, it is Luck that matters a lot. So try to embrace the luck you have with you with help of ancient art.

Thirdly, adopt the Chinese ancient form of art such as feng shui to manipulate energy in your own living area.

They help in removing negative vibes and welcome the positive vibes for your health and prosperity.

Fourthly, positive attitude of yours brings peace whereas negative attitude can be harmful. It all depends on how you carry yourself. Attitude in a person is important but never overdo anything.

Lastly you must be intelligent and well educated. Institutional education as well as wisdom helps in every leap of life.

Thus for leading a healthy and wealthy life you must be able to manage all the five factors effectively and efficiently. All the factors are interdependent in one or the other way and help us understand the importance of life and wellbeing. Take for instance, you have a great destiny and luck but you are not able to live in a space where positive vibes are present for you. Your attitude is also weird and negative. You never try to learn from your mistakes and as a result you will weaken your destiny and lose all the luck you have gradually.

Chinese horoscope help you get acquainted with the health related problems that may strike in the future. With help of feng shui you can easily control and minimize the health related problems by creating positive vibes and minimizing the negative effects from your home or office. With help of the horoscope you can find the timing and year when your health may deteriorate and thus on the basis of the forecast you must make sure that your home is full of positivity that encourages a better health.

From the Chinese astrology chart you can find out the reason behind your health related issues. To control health related issues you must follow the ancient art because they help you in many ways. This art entirely depends on the 5 elements of the universe i.e. Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.

Tips for health from feng shui experts:

•  Avoid unfavorable earth if you have problems related to stomach and pancreas. Earth which is not in favor or you can cause various health related issues such as bloating, irritation, diabetes and even cancer.
•  Keep yourself healthy because if in your body chart if the metal is unbalanced e.g., lungs, skin, bone and teeth are unbalanced then you may experience problems like acne, pimple, bad breath, bad teeth and asthma as well bronchial infections.
•  Liver, limbs as well as hair is represented by wood. Avoid its imbalance because they may cause blood related health problems.
•  Heart and blood is represented by fire. Imbalance in fire can cause serious problems like heart attacks and hyper-tension.
•  Kidney, reproductive organ as well as immune system is represented by water. Imbalance in water causes infections and kidney failure. So it is important to balance water in the body chart in an appropriate manner.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Feng Shui – It is essential for your home

Feng shui which is also known as wind and water are used commonly for helping you fight with the bad energy. It is used commonly for residential purpose. We all know that home is a place where you live with your family, where a family is built and where you dream of your future. Ancient Chinese art helps in creating positive vibes that help a lot in providing a successful future as well as long lasting positive impact on the life of people living in the home. Feng shui for your home is essential although it may seem to you costlier. Principles of wind-water must be followed when you are designing or constructing a new house for yourself. 

If you expect your home to be a peaceful place to live in, then you must follow all the principles of Chinese ancient art of providing positive vibes so that you can benefit from it. This process is a little costlier because your feng shui consultant will have to work along with designers, architect and draft people to make things work for you by creating a home that brings prosperity, brings home positive energies and minimize the negative ones. Lovely statues with positive effects bring home addition benefits and add style to the interiors and exteriors of home. It is said that god of luck does not like places that are dirty so the consultant usually advice people to keep their lucky place clean and spend most of their time there.

To the original house setup you can add home designs in Chinese ancient art style so that you can create a look according to your dreams and welcome positivity. The décor as well as the color scheme provides different energies that help in creating your home a better place to live in. Always remember that consultant should provide you with practicable and sustainable suggestions and recommendations. Thus choose the consultant that is really good in this art and understands the importance of the home. 

People opt for this Chinese traditional art so that they can bring home happiness. In eastern countries this art of decorating homes are adapted by almost everybody. In west people are getting exposed to this fabulous art of building, decorating and redecorating things at home as well as offices. People who still do not know the benefits of this fabulous Chinese ancient art must understand its benefits and try to follow them wherever required. Practicing this ancient art you can benefits from the inflow of positive vibes in numerous ways such as:

1. You can get for yourself an auspicious home from your agent with help of your counselor.
2. The inter-personal relationship among family members such as husband and wife or in-laws can calm and all problems will get solved in no time.
3. Helps child from Sleep disorder
4. Recurring illness can be moved away from home
5. If child is not good at studies this art creates a positive vibe that will help him understand his chapters well
6. Brings home prosperity and money
7. Help in business
8. Helps in legal issues 

There is more to add to this list of serious problems that can be solved easily if you are able to create positivity around you 24*7. The aim of this classic art is to bring harmony at home, help in career, provide good health, brings prosperity, happiness and financial stability. Feng shui is an integrated application of Chinese astrology that brings luck to you and at the same time, deals with five elements of nature that creates positive energy and help living beings in leading a contented life ahead.

Chinese Horoscope and feng shui

Chinese Horoscope and feng shui is famous all over the world. Here in this article we will find something interesting about the Chinese horoscope as well as feng shui. There are 12 signs in Chinese horoscope that signifies the nature as well characteristics of yours. Chinese horoscope sign represents human behavior and characteristic born in each month of a year that is signified by rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, snake, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. 

It is said that Feng shui and Chinese horoscope can keep you safe from the coming problems and help you lead a trouble free life. Animal horoscope represents almost 1/8th of your yearlong total horoscope. The forecast is done because of day, month and hour pillar. Ba Tze is famously known as Four Pillars of Destiny provides you with animal horoscope. Chinese solar calendar is used by Ba Tze that unlike other horoscope starts from 4th February of each year. Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire are combined with the other signs of animal zodiac, so that a perfect blend and balance of all of them prove helpful in forecasting and determining events. Yang Metal represents the year 2010. 

Ba Tez Chinese horoscope is used at wider level where you have to predict for global events. With help of this it becomes easy to understand the surrounding environment, situations above your head, people and coming events. With help of this classic horoscope method you can predict and at the same time you can ask guidance from the practitioners to help you sort problems for you and recommend you something that will help in managing the foreseen problems that may hinder in your life.  With help of Chinese horoscope and feng shui you create a safety zone for yourself. Feng shui can help when you are recommended with a right selection of rooms, colors as well as decoration of room. Each individual has the specific behavior and so to match up with their aura different methods are used.

With help of feng shui and Chinese horoscope you can clearly find out the Forecast and method of bringing positive vibes in your life. They show us the individual forecast, health forecast and industry forecast for fire industries, wood industries, earth industries, metal industries, water industries. The believers and practicing people of feng shui tells that a flying star energy in your bed room can help you get rid of health related problems and at the same time they will some health issues can be minimized depending on your usage of room and energy type.

Like Chinese horoscope, feng shui forecasts also influences the lives of individuals and their living manners. Unlike western horoscope the Chinese horoscope is based entirely on year an individual is born. As per the rule of Chinese horoscope every year has a characteristic of an animal.  An individual can find what animal describes him or her on the basis of year he or she was born. Every animal has its own special characteristics and those characteristics can even be seen in individuals also. Thus every year has sign as well as animal with special characteristics.  Feng shui means wind and water and it is called as art of placement. Elusive energy Chi is an application that surrounds feng shui.  Although chi is insubstantial is everywhere in the universe. Mannerism and characteristic of a human can be studied with the help of feng shui. Chi revolves around every individual life without acknowledging yourself.

Thus, if you are believer of forecasts and horoscope then you must also understand the Chinese horoscope along with feng shui.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Natural Health Clinic in Sydney: Homeopathic Centre - A Place for Whole Family Heal...

Natural Health Clinic in Sydney: Homeopathic Centre - A Place for Whole Family Heal...: "Homeopathy is a natural remedy that is becoming popular these days due to its effectiveness and harmless in comparison to other techniques o..."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homeopathic Practitioners – Who supplies health care services

Homeopathy is a natural science that brings an individual to his highest potential with his complete treatment. It restores the body to complete harmony with the use of different herbs and supplements. This is a cost effective and assured treatment process which work on all aspects of an individual be it emotional, mental, and physical. This alternative medicine process is becoming popular day by day due to its increased positive results and effectiveness.
A professional with the license to treat and suggest medicines is known as homeopathic practitioner. He is the person who supplies health care services by properly analyzing and observing the patient. He believes that illness is due to imbalances in body and diseases are just their indications. Therefore, it does not work on diseases but the reason of the chaos created thus treating it completely. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the immune system to release more antibodies.
In order to become a homeopathic practitioner an individual has to invest lot of money and time in this. It takes too long to learn about the identification, diagnosis and treatment of disorders. Ha has to attend medical schools before specializing in any field. Ha has to study hard taking help from online courses and diploma programs. It would be beneficial for them to work with establishes homeopath so that he may get practical experience along with name and fame. After studying the whole course and getting experience, he has to advertise himself through various means. This is the time of global networking so internet would help him a lot in marketing. The best he can do is to launch a website that displays his philosophies and policies thus making his approach to large masses.
If you are practicing homeopathy, then there are few suggestions for you. You will be working with different medical doctors so do not leave any chance to gain experience from them. Always be selective while deciding about your guide in this field because he is going to set your future practices.
Homeopathic doctors can be broadly classified in two categories. One is medical homeopath and other is natural homeopath. Medical one is like general physician working on symptoms while natural one will try to take an individual towards natural health. Before selecting your homeopathic practitioner you need to be very careful as now days many inexperienced and self proclaimed person promises you a good treatment. But you should first check their education and practice period and different certificates and diplomas. He should have a professional license from a formal homeopathic school. You can also satisfy yourself with the views from his previous clients.
Although a homeopathic practitioner is the person who supplies all health care services but he cannot cure all diseases and symptoms. If any expert claims to do that do not fool yourself with him and leave that homeopath immediately. Homeopathy is just an adjunct of conventional and traditional diseases it can never be its replacement. You should first consult your medical doctor before visiting any homeopath.
Some people do not believe ion its treatment as it takes a bit longer time unlike the immediate effects of allopathic medicines. So people just leave their treatment in between and then just question on its effectiveness. For best results in this medicine, one needs to be regular in taking medicines and show patience to see the positive results.

Homeopathic Medicine Store – Where you can get all type of Homeopathic Medicines

Every individual chooses best for him and his family. Especially when it comes to health issues, he becomes more cautious. These days’ people are loosing trust on allopathic medicines due to their harmful and negative effects along with astounding fees and cost in treatment. This has made them to switch their minds to other alternatives. This has led them to stop at homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is not a new branch in medical science but it has gained popularity in recent past only. This is less expensive and more effective treatment without any side effects and toxic results. 
Homeopathy tries to bring harmony in the unbalanced body through homeopathic medicines which work on the principle of ‘like cures like’. Theses medicines are prepared with natural substances derived from plants and herbs. Sometimes minerals are also added in them. The process of their formation is also different and unique. They mainly add compounds in much diluted form that will stimulate immune system so as not to create any problem. This stimulation will then generate antibodies against the prevailing harmful elements in the body. Extreme care has to be taken while their preparation as minute changes in concentration can cause negative effects of medicines.

To find the homeopathic medicines you have one specific place i.e. homeopathic medical store. Homeopathic medical store is the place where you can find all types of homeopathic medicines. These stores are run by a licensed practitioner or a certified individual. Homeopathic medicines work a little slowly so do not expect an instant result. This is because it does not work on superficial level but work on the main reasons and imbalances in body. 

If an individual is thinking to start up with any such medical store where you can get all type of homeopathic medicines, he has to follow certain steps and rules for a successful establishment. First of all he needs to educate himself through various certification courses available online. For such practicing individual we would suggest to enhance your knowledge and content through either reading books or visiting other professional practitioners. After this, visit your local office to get necessary requirements for licensing. Fulfill all criteria and get the professional license from there. Now you have to set a proper business plan to attract customers and compete with your rivals. Try to select a suitable location which would enhance your business. Setting this store requires heavy investment initially so it is better to apply for loan from a trusted bank.

Once you have set up with all this, you require a suitable management. If you think you are knowledgeable enough then you can also hire a practitioner with experience. Customers’ feedback is very effective way to know about the quality of your product and services so maintain a customers’’ testimonial or remarks register. Also maintain your business account so that you can analyze it at the end of the month and plan further accordingly. The best marketing of your homeopathic medical store can be done through launching a business website and providing online services to your customers.

The main criteria for selecting your medical store for homeopathic medicines should be a certified license. Some inexperienced and self proclaimed persons also start with such business without any knowledge so to escape from them you have to a clever customer.

Homeopathic Medicine Centre – Helps in best Natural Health

For over thousands of years our ancestors are working and researching hard to find remedy for disorders in body through natural means. They are mainly focused on extracts of plants and herbs. With such extensive work only, a natural science has been evolved in the form of homeopathy. It uses natural substance as its remedy which can generate symptoms in an ill individual to treat symptoms in his body. It works on the ‘law of similarity’ which considers that like can be treated by like compounds. Samuel Hahnemann is considered as the founder and father of homeopathy.

For homeopathic treatment, all over the world several homeopathic medicinal centers have been established. These centers have experienced practitioners and doctors who provide you proper medication with basic precautions. Homeopathic centers are well equipped with modern instruments and labs for the preparing medicines. Cleanliness and hygiene are the basic focus during their preparation. Besides remedies they suggest you for proper diet and healthy surroundings. They have quick and effective solution for children ailments like cough, colds, fever, vomiting, dysentery, bronchitis, asthma, measles, chicken pox, dentition problems etc. unlike other traditional medication it does not hampers digestion and do not affect immune system negatively. Instead it raises immune power.

Homeopathic medicinal centers have all types of remedies present that help in best natural health. These remedies are prepared from extracts of plants, animals and minerals. Sometimes some harmful and pathogenic compounds are also added which are known as nosodes. There is a special method to prepare these medicines. The process is termed as dynamisation or potentisation. In this compounds are first made fine powder which is then mixed with alcohol and water. This is then shaken vigorously through a process named as succession. With this they are diluted to extend so that substance cannot cause any harm in body but just activate immune system to release antibodies.

Homeopaths in these centers advise you suitable remedies after having long conversation with you regarding your personal and professional life. It is very important for them to know about your physical, mental and emotional status as this will help them to find out the reason for your illness. First visit to them lasts for a long, after that in successive visits they will observe changes in your body with their medication and change the doses accordingly.

These homeopathic medicinal centers also provide their online services in which they have telephonic conversations with you. After listening about your symptoms and problems, they will suggest you proper remedied. They themselves ship them which are delivered to you through their local services. But for an effective result, it is better to visit a local homeopath. Personal visit make it easier for them to understand your problem. They have certain packages from which you can choose which suits your budget. In general, this is very cost effective treatment which you can easily afford.

Thus from above information you can very well conclude that homeopathy helps in best natural health without any side effects and harmful reactions. This has been widely accepted around the world as an effective and assured treatment for various disorders and highly professional doctors are opting for this. It brings every individual to highest level of health be it emotionally, mentally or physically.

Homeopathic Health Centers – Treating a large range of Chronic Health Problems

Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine benefitting everybody even those who are not benefitted with traditional allopathic medicines.  This is very safe and effective as compared to other form of medication. All other medicinal system are very costly, they lead to discomfort due to side effects and shows no substantial results even after long treatment. Advantages of homeopathy over these medicines have made it popular in recent times. One important thing for a homeopathic patient and doctor is to have patience as its remedies takes a bit longer time but then diseases is cured from its roots diminishing its chances to reappear.

There are so many homeopathic health centers established all over the world which are engaged in preparing medicines, treating people of all age and providing free suggestions for a healthy life. They have all latest equipments to prepare every type of remedy treating a large range of chronic health problems. Homeopaths believe that it uses very minute substances in its remedies therefore it is the safest modality to treat every age group of individuals. They assure that it is advantageous over traditional system because it works on the complete individual instead of symptoms only and it stimulates your immune system so as to work stronger. Conventional medicines work against the immune system.

Homeopathic health centers provide cure for all acute health problems. It treats all mental, physical and emotional problems. Emotional status like depression, anxiety, attention deficit, obsessive compulsive disorder, destructiveness, phobias etc can be solves by homeopathy effectively. Other physical conditions like asthma and respiratory problems, skin problems like pimples, acne, allergy, and lichen etc, digestive disorders like constipation, diarrhea, ulcer etc, migraine headaches, insomnia, and restlessness have been assuredly cured and treated with homeopathic consultation and remedies. In nutshell, you name the disease and homeopathy has its solution.
Whenever you will visit any such homeopathic center they will first of all discuss with you about your social and personal life. Every individual is unique in reference to his background, his heredity, behavior and surroundings. This concept makes them to find a different remedy for each individual which can be done only after having complete information about the person’s life. Although its treatment requires a bit lengthy time but exact time taken depends on individual’s needs and body response on remedies.

There are online consultation facilities with homeopathic experts but it is more fruitful to visit a homeopathic health center personally. But be cautious while choosing your practitioners as inexperienced and novice individuals cannot understand your problems and cannot suggest you right remedy.

Treating a large range of chronic health problems, homeopathy is safest and effective modality not only for human beings but also for animals like horses, dogs, cats etc. As homeopathy works on the complete individual, it not only treats disease but also raises individuals’ potential to work in life. It made him happy inside and he can have a healthy relationship with your family members.

Some patients are skeptical regarding this treatment due to time taken. It will benefit those individuals also but if you really believes in this medication, your body will show earlier results, because your belief can do wonders.

Homeopathic Centre - A Place for Whole Family Health Care

Homeopathy is a natural remedy that is becoming popular these days due to its effectiveness and harmless in comparison to other techniques of treatment. This is a combination of science and nature that proves to be very beneficial for human beings. Homeopathy word has been derived from the Greek word homio meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering. German physician Samuel Hahnemann is known as the father of homeopathy as he first discovered the idea that like cures like.

Homeopathic medicines which are termed as remedies work on this principle only. They are basically prepared from the plant, animals and sometimes some minerals also. Theses medicines include the infective material that has caused disease in your body. But that substance is present in much diluted form. Water and alcohol are mainly used as diluting agents. This substance activates immune system of body thus activating formation of antibodies in body. These antibodies then fight with the infective material thus curing you.

For homeopathic treatment you can visit any homeopathic centre which is a place for family health care. A homeopathic center has treatment for all major and minor illness. But the process of treatment of a homeopath is somewhat different from the traditional system of medication. Unlike other allopathic doctor’s visit, first visit to a homeopath will take 2-3 hours of yours. In this he will ask about all information not only related to disease but also your personal life. He will enquire about your emotional and mental status, and will take complete knowledge about your lifestyle. This information is very essential for him to take out your remedy.

In your second visit he will suggest you any remedy keeping in kind your personal and family history. Once you have taken initial treatment he will analyze the effect of those in further visits. In case body is responding nicely, that means you are given proper cure. Accordingly he will suggest you more prescriptions. Homeopathic remedies have brief intensification effect in body but then it settles down in 2-3 days. This treatment takes around 2-3 months but if you have healthy surroundings with stress free mind along with timely doe of medicines you can reduce your curing time.

Homeopathic centers have so many experts who sometimes make you sit there for long hours because some treatments require every hour dose. This is to have early and instant effect in some cases. Now days due to its popularity online homeopathic consultation have also been started. They listens to all your symptoms and problems and then ship you remedied accordingly but it is always better to go to a homeopathic center as it is a place for whole family health care. The effect which you can observe to a local center is not seen form online consultation.

Moreover homeopathic centers charge you less as compared to online remedies as their charge include their shipping and other transportation cost. Homeopathy has its own benefits along with being cost effective. Any class of individual can afford it easily. Some homeopathic centers also provide remedies for free. But choose your expert very cautiously after assuring yourself with his previous works.

Thus being a place for whole family health care with remedies for all diseases you need not search for any specialist for any illness. Though a bit slow, homeopathy promises you a sure treatment without any harm. Enjoy the benefits of this natural healing process.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Feng Shui for the Office: Change your luck today with Feng Shui

Every individual starts with a new work with the hope of profit and success in it. He gives lot of input and expects more output with it. But sometimes due to luck factor or some negative energy in the environment success can’t approach you. People go for different solution of this problem. Some prefer doing puja, some keep aesthetic items etc. Feng shui is also one such solution of your problem. You can change your luck with Feng shui.

Feng shui is an effective power that has evolved from China during ancient times. This believes in five elements of energy as fire, earth, metal, water and wood. If these five elements are in proper equilibrium around you than you attracts positive energy towards you. This energy will always bring happiness and prosperity in your work. Energy is said as “chi” in Chinese language.

For designing your office according to Feng shui you have to follow certain guidelines. These guidelines are very simple and easy to apply without any extra expenses for them. But every thing has its results not only with adopting it but believing in it. Your belief can do wonders for you.

  • For a proper Feng shui for your office it is necessary that shape of your office should be either rectangle or square. Oval or circular offices are not favored here. 
  • Your sitting table should be diagonally opposite to the entrance door so that you can keep an eye on the people entering and leaving out. Your back at the entrance believes to invite backstabbers. You should have an open space in front of you rather than having a pillar or a wall. 
  • Your office building should not be in shadow of another higher building near by. This could invite negative energy to your office as it believes to be dominating you. 
  • To change your luck with Feng shui, try to have a solid wall behind your seat. This indicates a solid support for you. If windows are there then use solid curtains and close the curtains while working. 
  • Open shelves should not be very near to you. It seems like they are hitting you and thus distracts you from work. This also said to be harmful because with this your staff can betray you. 
  • If home office than separate your living area with office area to maintain a difference in your personal and professional life. If it’s a large hall then use bookshelves, plants or some sort of screens for partition. This sort of separation invites more prosperity to your business. 
  • Sloped or cathedral ceilings are negative from Feng shui point of view. Flat ceilings are most favored. To negate the effects, wind chimes or bamboos can be used at the ceilings. Avoid sitting near windows that gives you a negative view outside to avoid negative thoughts. 
  • Use of sharp leaved plants said to eliminate any negative energy entering so what’s the harm in keeping one or two near windows, your working desk or in some corners. Image of a waterfall, rivers or any other natural scene is very effective if hanged on the wall. This flow of water in scenery indicated smooth flow of energy. 
If you will follow these guidelines in your business than along with enhancing your personal power it will benefit you by inviting more no of customers. This will increase your concentration and will smooth your family relations. This Feng shui art can change your luck completely and takes you to the heights of success and fame. There are some Feng shui consultants also who will come and arrange everything in your office in respect of Feng shui.

Chinese Horoscope: Find your Chinese Astrology Sign

Everybody is interested in knowing what is going to happen in his or her in the near future. Whether he will be successful in exams, whether he will get married to his love, whether his business will work, what about the marriage life ahead and other lot many questions have always attracted people towards their horoscope. Every morning we get up and look for the horoscope page to know that day’s fortune. Horoscope and various other astrological products have always allured the mankind.

Chinese horoscope is one such type of horoscope which is based on traditional astrology theories and calendars. Chinese horoscope is associated with different principles of Chinese philosophy like yin yang theory, five element theory, wu xing teachings, 12 earthy branches, lunisolar calendar etc. The Chinese form of geomancy, Feng shui, believes that balance between yin and yang and five elements determine the person’s happiness and prosperity. These five elements have particular energy (qi) in a particular direction. Any imbalances in them invite negative energy towards a person thus interrupting in his smooth life.

Chinese horoscope is basically calculated according to the wu xing teachings. This says that five major planets Venus, Jupiter, mercury, mars and Saturn are associated with five elements metal, wood, water, fire and earth respectively. An individual’s fortune is determined with the position of these planets along with position of sun and moon. Persons’ time and place of birth also holds an important position.

Luni solar calendar is a calendar of 60 year cycle. Here two cycles interact with each other. One is the cycle of five elements named as wood, fire, earth, water, and metal. These five elements are present in their yin yang forms. The other one is of 12 animal signs starting from rat with ending on boar. These two cycles in combination forms 60 pairs or 60 years. They always start from yang wood rat and ends with yin metal boar. As animal signs are divisible by 2 so each zodiac sign can occur in either the yin form or yang form. You can find your Chinese astrology sign among this only. Start of every new zodiac is considered as start of new Chinese year. This comes around the end of January or February.

In China a person’s traits are determined by not asking his/her age but by asking to which animal he belongs to. Chinese zodiac is divided in 12 year cycle and each year is represented by an animal. Each animal has different characteristics, traits and behavior according to which person’s physical and mental attributes are decided. This also helps in knowing about the success and happiness in your life throughout.

The 12 animal signs are in the following order:
  • Rat
  • Ox
  • Tiger
  • Rabbit
  • Dragon
  • Snake
  • Horse
  • Ram
  • Monkey
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig (boar in Japan) 
The concept behind these 12 animals is that once Buddha called all the animals for celebrating New Year’s Eve. But only 12 animals were successful in reaching there. Moreover Ox was fast and was supposed to reach there for first but rat sat on ox’s back and jumped just before the destination. Therefore it came first and ox was second.

Chinese horoscope is not used for fortune predictions as such but is very reliable in telling bout person’s character, talents and biases. You can also try your Chinese fate by knowing your Chinese year and animal. Don’t get tensed if it displays something horrible, negative or terrible. Just take this for fun and enjoy what’s there in your luck.