Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best ayurvedic treatment for pimples - ayurvedic tips to remove pimples marks

Beauty is cherished by every individual irrespective of their sexes, age or characteristics. People are always concerned about how they look and are they presentable. Outer beauty can even take over inner beauty at times. Pimples is a very common skin problem that can attack anybody whether it is a teenager, adolescent, a young lady or elderly person. Pimple looks awful and thus ayurvedic tips must be followed to remove pimples as well as the pimple marks. 

Have you heard anybody saying, he or she is happy with way the way they look with the pimple on. No, that cannot be possible because nobody is happy having those upsetting and ugly pimple marks on their face. Ayurveda have introduced some really effective and simple treatments for removing the pimple marks or lightening the marks so that they become less noticeable. But for this you must opt for a correct type of pimple reducing and healing treatments. Ayurveda is not only simple it is also inexpensive. For opting for the treatment you do not have to search stores. Every required thing is available at home itself. Some of the herbs are easily found in the kitchen garden as well.  Home remedies from ayurveda cost you almost nothing. Below in this article there are some ayurvedic tips to remove pimple marks and stay beautiful. 

For removing pimple marks and acne marks there are almost a bundle full of simple home remedies. The easiest of them all is application of ice cube over the affected area. This method helps a lot in smoothing your skin also. This is the cheapest of all the remedies that you may like to follow. This home remedy can actually do wonders for you. It not only reduces the pimple marks but at the same time it offers a fresh glow for your skin. 

Other than ice cubes you can also apply various juices also like lemon juice and cucumber juice. Lemon juice improves the texture of your skin and lightens the pimple marks. Lemon juice should not be applied with hands. You must soak cotton balls in the lemon juice and then apply it to the pimpled areas that require treatment. The juice of cucumber also helps in lessening the scars of pimple and at the same time they also calm the itching. This juice must be applied to the skin for about 20 to 25 minutes and allow the skin to soak as much juice as it can.  Tomato raw pulp can also be applied to your skin to get rid of pimple scars. Apply tomato pulp for a hour and then wash it off with warm water or with towel dipped in warm water. All these simple home remedies can work wonders for your skin and provide you with fresh and beautiful skin.

Unlike medicines these remedies may require a little effort and energy but they are very effective and almost negligible in cost. With little patience and efforts you can acquire a skin you have always hoped for. You deserve the best and to get the best you must have to fight for it. By donating a little time for yourself you can become more beautiful and confident enough to face the world. Numerous strategies and ayurvedic tips can be followed to get the get results that too without investing money.

Ayurvedic treatment for acne and pimples - How can remove pimples from ayurvedic treatment

Pimples are a very common problem that individual have to face whether they are in their teenage, adolescent or in their adults. Although pimple stays for a very little time bust still they look very unpleasant and makes you feel unattractive. Pimple appears at face, chest, neck, shoulders and back because these areas have the maximum number of functional oil glands.  People can even lose their confidence because of these ugly pimple and pimple marks. Ayureveda has a permanent solution for this pimple problem. With simple home remedies and herbal ayurvedic treatments, one can avoid pimple from coming. Ayurvedic treatment for acne and pimple are simple to follow and at the same time everything required for preparing the remedies are available at kitchen or the kitchen garden with ease.

Garlic is the most effective ingredient that helps in removing pimple from your skin with ease. It is easily available in kitchen for the preparing food. Garlic comprises of essential antibiotic properties that treats pimple as well as the acne problems. Garlic must be mashed properly and applied to the face and the areas of pimples. Avoid the nearby area of your eyes because they are very sensitive and tin skinned. Leave it applied for over 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it with a luke warms water. 

Some people do not prefer applying garlic on their skin because of its pungent smell then in that case they can opt for other home remedies for curing and removing pimples. Some of the home remedies are given below.

First Remedy: Prepare a home remedy by mixing a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder along with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the spots where there are pimples. This mixture helps in removing pimple with immediate effects.

Second Remedy: prepare a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon powder and apply it to your face before going to sleep. Wash it mixture only in the morning. Do this for 2 to 3 weeks and see the difference. You skin will become clear and you will no longer have to worry about the pimples.

Third Remedy: For instant effect and removal of pimples you must drink milk mixed with grinded nutmeg.

Fourth Remedy: Peel an orange and then dry the orange outer cover in sun light. It becomes hard after drying. Make a paste of this outer skin by grinding it with a little water and apply it to the required areas. This is also the best home remedy for removing pimples. 

Fifth Remedy: Take a raw papaya and blend it in a mixture along with its skin and seeds. The papaya paste must be applied to the pimple. It is good for skin and for treating pimple and acne scars also.

Sixth remedy: Milk is best for the overall health and skin. Boil milk and squeeze fresh lime into it. Use this solution as facial wash for cracked and pimpled skin. This provides a miraculous effect.

There are numerous other remedies also in ayurveda that can help in treating and removing pimple. But these above treatments are simple and easily available everywhere. Apply them and see the fabulous difference.

Ayurvedic treatment for acne scars - Excellent Ayurveda Acne Scars Treatment

Ayurveda treatments are today famous worldwide. This form of treatment is originated from India and now the recognition of this herbal treatment has made its own place in the hearts of every individual from all over the world. This herbal treatment is been practiced for thousands and thousands of year now. This treatment is considered the best ailment available nowadays. Ayurveda is known for its excellent acne scar treatment all over the world nowadays. There are many treatments that can help you get rid of the acne scars just by following simple steps every day. Most of the ingredients or herbs available for acne treatments are available in your kitchen the rest you can find in your garden or nearby areas.

Some of the excellent acne scar treatments are available for you here so that you can follow them and find results in a few days. 

1. Mint Leaves are the most common and widely available herb in your kitchen. Because of its meditative values this herb is sometimes even found at the kitchen gardens also. This herb is very well known as one of the best treatments for removing acne scars. For preparing a remedy with this herb you just have to pick around 10 fresh leaves and then press or squeeze the leaves to extract its juice. The juice of the leaves have all medicated values and healing properties that help in clearing your skin and help you get rid of the scars that occurred as a result of acne.

2. Fenugreek or say the methi leaves are also found in the kitchen garden. These herbs also have many medicated values that purify your skin and help you get rid from many skin problems. The seeds of methi herb provide an excellent ayurvedic acne scar treatment. For preparing the medicinal solution you must first boil 1 liter water and add a small teaspoon of methi seeds. Once the water gets boiled you have to put it aside and let it cool. When the solution gets comfortably cool you must apply it to your skin where there are acne scars. You must do this for a week and see miraculous difference.

3. Chandana or sandalwood is a tree with pleasant fragrance. Sandalwood is best for all skin related problems. It maintains the glow of the skin. Sandal wood paste must be applied to your skin as a face pack till it dries out. After drying you it must be removed with help of cold water or with a soft towel dipped in cold water. Acne scars and dull skin can both be treated through this treatment.

4. Aloe Vera is an exceptionally beneficial herb with medicated values. This herb is well known as a natural home herbal remedy for removing acne scars. Cooling as well as the soothing affects of aloe vera helps a lot in revitalizing the skin. Mix aloe vera gel with essential oil and apply to your skin. This paste has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties that heal acne, reduces the acne scars, moisturizes the skin and restores it. You must apply aloe vera gel every day to avoid acne and marks of acne.

For determining the health of an individual ayurveda focuses on the energy present in them. Imbalance in energy is the main cause of health problems. Vata, Pitta, khapa are the three main energy points in a body that must be balanced. If these points are in equilibrium you are healthy otherwise you are not. There are no side effects in ayurveda but still the treatment that includes heavy metals may not be safer. So be cautious before opting for it,

Ayurvedic treatment for acne - Treating acne scars through Ayurveda

People irrespective of their sexes are very much concerned about their looks and skin texture. Acne is a very common skin disease or problem that becomes a center of concern for everyone in any age group. In medical shops you can easily find tubes or creams for treating acne. But the actual problems remain the same because they may return back after some time. But still in the past years ayurveda has proved that acne is not something that remains for the entire life. Through natural methods and home remedies one can easily solve this problem. Excess of chemicals can damage your skin and thus opting for a natural product or remedy can even help in nurturing and moisturizing your skin. 

In acne ayurveda treatment various herbs are used that not only removes acne but at the same time diminishes and eliminate scars that are caused by acne. Some of the herbs that are used in treating acne are Fenugeek, sandalwood, mint leaves, margosa, aloe vera etc. 
  • Fenugreek is bitter plant that is helpful in healing or treating acne, acne scars and other related skin problems. Boil few fenugreek seeds in one liter of water for few minutes. Cool the solution and then apply this solution on acne scars. Apply it every day and see the results within a week or two. You will positively find some miraculous results in a week time. 
  • Sandalwood or chandan is a plant that helps a lot in fighting against acne. The sandalwood must be soaked in bowl of water for about 4 to 5 hours. This bowl of water must be smeared on skin and the paste of sandalwood must be directly applied on the scars, so that the scars are completely removed. Chandan is best for treating acne scars as well as other skin problems. It also helps in balancing the melanin pigment and makes you one tone fairer. The paste of sandalwood must be applied on the face until the pack becomes hard and dries. When the sandalwood face pack dries you must clean or remove by sponge dipped in cold water.
  • Mint leave is a herb that is found easily in a kitchen. In ayurveda this herb is known for treating acne scare and other skin problems. Juice of this leaves can be quoted as a miracle herb. Take 15 leaves in a muslin clothe and squeeze out the juice. Apply this juice regularly on the scare so that you can see the miracle results within weeks.
  • Margosa Leave is another bitter leaves that are highly useful for many problems. These leaves must be kept in contact with the skin so that the skin retains its freshness and removes the scars caused by skin problems. These leaves have hundreds and thousands of benefits so people must keep the leaves available with them for the time of requirement.
  • Drink juice of aloe vera so that you can avoid acne and scars from acne. It is better to avoid acne rather than finding solution for removing acne scars. Preventing and controlling acne is not very hard thing to do. You must drink lots of water so that your body remains hydrated and also helps you in flushing out cellular waste that was accumulated in the body. Drinking water also grants you with irresistible and beautiful glow 

Ayurvedic treatment for asthma in children - how to treat asthma in children

Asthma is chronic respiratory disease that can be even cause death if not treated in the initial stage. A child can also suffer from asthmatic attacks and as a result he or she may have to miss their school and daily routine. They may not be able to play like normal healthy children and miss the most important part of their childhood.  Children miss their school usually because of the asthmatic problems and thus could not be able to compete with other children.

Several cases or forms of asthma can be seen in children nowadays and usually most of them turns out to be deadly at times and as a result this disease must not be taken lightly when a child is suffering from this. Because of the change in temperature, eating habits, pollution and environment bronchial asthma is spreading very quickly. In some recent survey it was mentioned that out of five at least one child is suffering from the symptoms of asthma in numerous ways. In Ayurveda this disease or situation is called 'tamaka shwasa'. To prevent asthmatic attacks individual suffering from this disease must carry a device called inhaler that helps in decreasing the severity of the asthmatic attack. Lung is the most essential organ of our body's respiratory system that is important for breathing properly. The oxygen in the atmosphere is inhaled through nose so that before reaching the final destination it is properly filtered, warmed and purified at the same time. This purified cell is used by each and every cell of the body so that body remains fresh and best in conditions.

When required amount of air is not supplied to the lungs because of some hindrance or obstruction then in such a case lungs itself makes an effort to fulfill the requirement of the cells in the body and thus this effort causes labored breathing. This particular symptom causes major asthma problems. The obstruction or restriction in the airway is also scientifically known as bronco-spasm. Ayurveda treatments help a lot in treating asthma attacks so that the children can lead a life without any stress or other health problems. According to the new age modern medicine system asthma is caused because of reaction or allergy in the respiratory track. When the allergic reaction occurs in the body then in such a case the cells produce more mucus that results in airway blockages. 

Simple ayurveda treatments for children can help a child fight with asthma courageously and at same time the treatment will let them enjoy their childhood also. Asthma can be of 3 different types namely, dry type asthma, infection type asthma and congestive type asthma. To treat the dry type of asthma a child intake of fluids must be increased. Intake of fluids will increase moisture as well as oxygen in the child's body. Along with this the child must be covered so that he or she is not exposed to the cold weather or wind. Sesame oil must be used to massage their body so that moisture can be retained in their body. The must not be allowed to consume dairy product, nuts and food, that are cold, raw and rough.

In infection type of asthma the child must drink lot of water, avoid eating anything after 10:00, avoid fried foods, extreme exertion and must try to eat fruit and vegetables in place of red meat and dairy products like yogurt. Children prone to infections must consume turmeric in any form because it helps in increasing the immunity. Light exercises can also help a lot strength building and increasing immunity.

In congestive type of asthma the child must avoid heat products, dairy products, non vegetarian food and excess of salt and sugar. Bitter vegetable can help them in increasing the mucus circulation and at same time it will also prevent the congestion problems in you. Massage with mustard oil is also good for them. Parents must guide their children to do some cardio exercises or pay some outdoor games. Rest of the ayurvedic treatment is similar to other types of asthma. Simple home remedies from the book of ayurveda can help you fight the asthma demon.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma - Importance of Ayurveda to treat asthma

Asthma is a disease that is considered to be highly dangerous and one of the foremost reason for the death ratio in any country. As per the statistical ratio it can be said that more than half percentage of senior citizens are presently suffering from Bronchial Asthma. In this disease the patients feel uncomfortable, suffocation and even could not breathe properly. Coughing and wheezing can make the situation worse. Ayurveda can play an important part in treating asthma.

Asthma is caused because of the contraction in the wind pipe that is also known as trachea. In this situation the patient could not breathe properly and thus as a result could not get the required amount of airflow. Person suffering from asthma is suggested to carry inhaler every type he or she steps out of their homes. Asthmatic attacks differ person to person. Thus it is very important to control and take every possible treatment for asthma. Asthma can attack anybody from any age group, so it is very important to control asthma. In ayurveda it is said that when vata and kapha dosha become ineffective it occupies the heart, lungs and trachea. Once it settles itself inside the body, it starts giving problems. This particulat conation is also known as Tamaka shwasa.

Ayurveda is important for the treatment of asthma but before that one must know what is the initial or basic symptoms of asthma along with the severe symptoms if asthma. Some early signs of asthma are abnormal sneezing, itching in throat and chin, dark circles under the eyes, change in the breathing pattern, moodiness, headaches, running nose, sleeping disorder, coughts, regular tiredness and exhaustion, less strength and breathlessness while speaking for 10 min. Symptoms of severe asthma is harassing and deadly. To prevent asthma one must always carry an inhaler whenever you go out and eat only healthy food that is good for the body. Avoid food or things that may be cause allergies or you find shortness of breath. Food that worsens the kapha dosa must not be consumed or taken. Smokers must immediately quit smoking because it is harmful for health. Ayurveda treatment is important for asthmatic patients because they are natural and safe.

In ayurveda there are various types if herbs and natural ingredients used. Ayurvedic treatment for asthma cures kapha dosha and assist in the prevention of bronchial asthma. Some of the herbs that are useful in preventing and curing asthma in individuals are vasam kantakari, pushkarmool, bharangi and yashtimadhu. Vasa herb is also commonly known as Malabar nut. This herb is considered the one of the best amongst all bronchodilation.  Kantakari herb is the yellow berry night shade that helps in removing the sticky material from lungs and throat. Pushkarmool herb is one of the best anti microbes that work as antihistamine. Bharangi herb provide the best remedy is taken along with ginger juice and last but not the least yashtimadhu herb that is also commonly known as “the liquorice” is the best throat smoother that decreases or removes irritation in the wind pipe. Ayurveda provides important treatments that are not harsh on you and provides relief very soon.

Ayurvedic Arthritis Treatments - Arthritis Treatment Using Ayurvedic

Ayurvedic treatments is generally sought for almost any health problems and illnesses, but still arthritis is considered as the most popular health problem in which the patients accept the Ayurvedic form or route.
According to the mind set of Ayurvedic practitioner pain in body is triggered because of the ofvata dosha and it is predominantly an air disease. It is said that when in a body, excessive amount of ama is accumulated, which is basically a toxin that is made from weak gastrointestinal system. This ama gathers up inside the body and worsons the state of vata. It then moves around and exposed the body and at some point it finds a weak area and settles there. Usually these weak areas are the joint. The place where the ama settles gets infected and simultaneously becomes an arthritis patient.
Regardless of the most effective initiatives from the very best healthcare scientists or experts, still till date practically there is no proper or well-known remedy for arthritis therefore, the Ayurvedic approaches and medicines are only able to reduce or eliminate your pain.
In order to obtain this unique Ayurvedic prescribes a blend of balanced nutrition, good diet, healthy and balanced eating, herbal treatments, meditation and physical exercise along with a far more spiritual perspective relevant to the patient.

Beneficial Dietary Information and facts meant for Arthritic Treatment
Ayurvedic practisioners recommend and suggest you to keep away from hot and spicy food along with the food or vegetables such brocolli, potatoes, cauliflower and cabagge etc, which may cause gas in body.
Moreover in accordance with the ayurvedic arthritis treatment things such as a cup of coffee, tea, sugar, yoghurt etc must exclusively be relished in moderation. This modification helps a lot in purifying the digestive system of the patients' body. For purification of the body patients can also have homemade fruit juices, soups, salads and cooked vegetables.

Spices and herbs that can are helpful in providing Ayurvedic cure for any form of arthritis are Cumin, Coriander leaves, Ginger, Garlic, Asafetida, Fennel and Turmeric. These things are easily available in the local stores and thus you can add them to your food while cooking them. Spices and herbs that can are helpful in providing Ayurvedic cure for any form of arthritis are Cumin, Coriander leaves, Ginger, Garlic, Asafetida, Fennel and Turmeric. this things are easily available in the local stores and thus you can add them to your food while cooking them. Guggul and Contra-Indications herbal remedies must be taken tice a day along with a cup full of warm water. Remember that patients with kidney problems must not take Contra- Indication because for them this herbal remedy is dangerous for their health and thus it may trigger several other problems for them.

Going on a fast is yet another approach that is extensively applied in Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis. It is really simple to comprehend that when fasting is done for a long duration it may become dangerous. So, one must fast in moderation so that you are not harsh towards your body and is requirements. Along with all this you ayurvedic treatment requires you to do light exercises so that the joints may becomes strong and you may regain your lost power.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis - how to treat arthritis naturally

Arthritis can be cured with natural things and that too without been harsh on you. Usually drugs that are meant for arthritis are harsh on the system of the body and thus may cause side effects that can degrade your strength or cause other problems. Drugs can cure and work well for patients but still some patients who are sensitive to some drugs may not find them worthy and to avoid risk opt for ayurvedic treatment that is all natural and without side effects. There are news alternatives that are natural and helpful in treatment of arthritis and joint pains. 

The unbearable nature of arthritis generally initiates more serious conditions in patients like obesity that leads to diabetes, depression and heart diseases. This disease devastates the patients and as a result makes him or her more prone to diseases. But to be very true the patients need not suffer that much because there are many effective cures for arthritis. Ayurveda helps in treating arthritis in a natural manner. The practitioners believe that arthritis can be cured by balancing diet with combination of diets, yoga or exercises along with herbal medication. If a person makes some healthy changes in their diet then they can positively see the improvement in their health condition. This concept works absolutely well with diseases like arthritis. People having arthritis must try to consume food that contains antioxidants and phytochemical because this particular things helps in relaxing and curing your disease and their side effects. The patients must avoid all those food that can worsen the condition in which you are presently in. 

Arthritis can be treated naturally by consuming right type of food that are high in magnesium, calcium and trace minerals. Such food makes sure that your bones are healthy, the joint tissue are properly connected and last but not the least the food must also help in improving the bone matrix. Person suffering from arthritis must eat and consume low fat milk, yoghurt, salmon, almonds, walnuts, cottage cheese, sardines, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, and broccoli and so on. Milk is low in magnesium content and it is not a great source of calcium also. Magnesium is required in your body to help calcium reach your bones and joints. Thus if you are taking a high milk diet that too without any magnesium intake then it is of a very little use to you. With high milk dirt you must also consume magnesium rich food such as leafy vegetable, whole grain, nuts, bananas and so on. 

To metabolize calcium body requires vitamin D. Vitamin D is available to you from the sunlight. This does not mean you have to sit for hours in sun and tan yourself. Only 10 minutes of sunlight in a day is enough to get enough Vitamin D. Other than sunlight you get Vitamin D from fatty fish and dairy products.

When you are taking ayurvedic or herbal medicines you must avoid red meat, lamb and beef. Instead of them you must opt for white meat i.e chicken and fish. Other than these you must avoid all high fatty things like potatoes, sweets, cheese and eggplants. Tomatoes, tobacco, carbonated drinks, honey and almonds must also be avoided. Avoiding all such things can help you in decreasing the effects of arthritis and boost your strength at the same time.

Ayurveda for Arthritis - Importance of Ayurveda to treat Arthritis

Ayurveda the most sought out form of treatment. The Sanskrit word ayurveda means complete knowledge for long life. Ayurvedic medicine is practiced all over the world as a form of alternative medicine. Ayurveda is important in treating Arthritis because they are therapeutic measures that are opted to prevent the disease from hitting you or at the same time they also help in curing the diseases. Ayurvedic medicines help in detoxifying the body and at the same time it strengthens the immune system of yours. 

Recently the world has given a nod to the various forms of ayurvedic treatment. Arthritis treatment is gaining popularity all over the world because it helps a lot in curing and helping people suffering from arthritis in a very simple way. Today, the World Health Organization has also welcomed Ayurveda with open hands as a superb system of medicine that helps in treating almost all types of diseases. We very well know that arthritis is a disease that involves damages to joints of the body. There are around 1000 types of arthritis in which the most common form of arthritis are degenerative joints disease which is also medically known as osteoarthritis that is caused by infection in joints, shock to the joints or also maybe because of old age. In osteoarthritis the patient suffers from severe pain, swelling and low functionality of joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is also a common form of arthritis in which the patient own body immune system attacks the cell lining the joints and results in pain, swell and degraded joint functionality. 

Almost all types of ailments can be cured by ayurvedic treatments, but patients suffering from arthritis believe the most in this form and opt for it above any other medical forms. People suffering from arthritis majorly complain of severe pain in joints. The excess pain is caused because of the inflammation that has occurred in or around the areas of joints, everyday deterioration of joints, damage in joints because of some diseases and even the pain may occur because of fatigue. When you see the symptoms in you that are similar to that of arthritis you must immediately consult an ayurveda doctor or a consultant. Ayurveda has proved to be able to cure arthritis from the root itself with the help of medicinal herbs and some homemade medicines. 

The herbs used in ayurveda are essential for the overall development of the body. This ayurvedic treatment in not only important for curing arthritis but at the same time it is also helpful in keeping you healthy and strong. Herbs that are helpful in curing arthritis are Commiphora Mukul, Ashwagandha, Morning Oleifera, Boswellia Serrata and Apium Graveolens. All these herbs are been used by the practitioners for ages now and they are actually beneficial in treating the patients, who all are suffering from this condition. Ayurveda is the only form of medicine that stresses on the use of herbs and plant based medicines. During operations the patients are given alcohol. Alcohol is used as a narcotic for those patients. For total recovery of the body ayurveda also give stress and sets its focus on yoga, massage and meditation.

Ayurveda treatments for diabetes - Importance of Ayurveda to treat diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease which is detected when the sugar level in blood is high. People usually have diabetes because this body does not prepare enough insulin or their muscle, fat in body as well as the liver cell does not normally respond to the insulin.  In some case both may cause high level blood sugar in body. Ayurveda is important and beneficial for treating diabetes. Diabetes can be categorized in three types. The first type of diabetes is generally diagnosed in childhood. Usually this disease is diagnosed when the person is around 20 years of age. Second type of diabetes is almost similar to that of type one. It is generally diagnosed in adults but then it does not mean that this may not be diagnosed in young people. In this type of diabetes the pancreas does not make the required amount of insulin and thus the blood glucose level could not be kept normal. In serious conditions also there are chances that, this type of disease are not identified by the person himself.  Because of obesity problems and lack of exercise Type 2 diabetes is becoming very common. The third type of diabetes which is also known as gestational diabetes strikes the patient at the time of pregnancy. Women suffering from gestational diabetes are prone to second type of diabetes as well as cardiovascular diseases.

As per ayurveda diabetes is metabolic disorder in which the fire inside the body diminishes and functions very lightly. This diminished fire or agni in the body is responsible for the increase in the level of high blood sugar. Ayurveda believes that the main cause of diabetes is fat, urine and Kapha dosh and by using multiprong approach, diabetes can be cured.  Importance of ayurveda in treating diabetes is very much famous worldwide because the ayurvedic medicines purport to alleviate the symptoms of diabetics that too in a natural manner. Ayurvedic treatment helps in dealing with the symptoms of diabetes.

Dosha in human body causes various diseases and these dosha can be eradicated from body by balancing the elements present in body. Ayurvedic homemade remedies can also cut down the intake of sugar and carbohydrates so that they easily convert into glucose by digestive system and the homemade remedies can work as required. But when people opt for ayurvedic remedies they must also consume lots of vegetables so that the body can easily counter the dietary changes that has taken place recently.

Ayurvedic treatment is important for diabetes patients because at times they work as life savers for the patients who desperately require natural, holistic remedies for their present situation.  While ongoing this treatment you must cut down your sugar intake from diets such as wheat, rice, potato, sugar etc. The food you take must be law in fats. Avoiding butter, ghee oil can help a lot in reducing fats.  Consume barley soaked in triphala every night before sleeping. You can eat barley mixed with honey several times in a day. Take citrus fruits as much as you like. Green vegetable, black gram, soy and fish are some of things that you can take without fear.

Ayurveda is very important for curing any type of disease. Thus, one must try and opt for the advantages from them.