Monday, October 11, 2010

Feng Shui for the home: Feng Shui tips for your home

A positive energy drives you towards the positive attitude. If the offices you are working in or the house you are living in has positive vibrations than you will automatically feel happy and satisfied. This happiness is inner one and keep you always smiling. People adopt various strategies to avoid negative vibes. This depends on the culture and tradition you are living in for a long time.

One such art that is becoming more and more popular with the time and very ancient one also is the Chinese art of Feng shui. It was suppressed during Cultural Revolution but then evolved again with time. Now Feng shui with its art is helping so many people to make their life easier and smooth. The tips of this art are applicable to home, offices, gardens, bedrooms, kitchen everywhere. Feng shui has also gifted us with certain products.

Use of Feng shui art should be used properly other it could have negative effects also. There are several rules to use Feng shui products depending on the location, orientation, environment of the place. Here we are giving you some Feng shui tips for your home:

First of all location of house is very important in deciding the energy flow through your house. And this effect is not only when you are in your home but also when you are out in market. Houses those are located at the dead ends of the streets trap the energy thus preventing its easy flow. This causes negativity to prevail after some time. So better don’t go for such locations.

Feng shui believes the importance of five elements as fire water wood earth and metal. According to this one should have all elements in home and if not focus on elements that are missing. Using a water fountain in your favorable area could the desirable things to you.

The main entrance of your house should be clean and obstacle free so that energy entering is free from any impurity. The chi (energy flow) comes from the main door so avoid placing shoes and keep it clean of dust. Moreover your front and back door should not line up because this will allow straight flow of energy without being captured in your home.

Feng shui advises you to avoid using red color in your home. Use of red sofas and red curtains can bring unavoidable workload to you. Also near the wealth areas red color brings negative energy as it is the element of fire. 

Allow more and more sunlight to enter your house so open curtains or blinds. Use of green plants inside home also activates positive energy. Try using mirrors, wind chimes flowers, decorative items water etc to give a pleasant and joyful look.

Family conflicts can arise in case your kitchen and any water source like bathroom, toilet or washing machine is just opposite to it. Because these two represents fire and water that is always anti to each other.

Exposed beams over your bed, gas stove, dining table can generate oppressive energy. So avoid them or use two at a time so that their effects can cancel each other’s. A solid wall against your bed gives you sound sleep and freshness when you’re awake.

The south west corner of house is very effective in maintaining happy relations. So always decorate that area with symbolic items like candles, bouquets, crystals etc. these thing if used in pair have better effect.

With these simple Feng shui tips for your home you can bring joy, happiness harmony and peace to your 
place. You don’t have to spend much for these. Just try Feng shui for the home and you yourself will see the results.

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