Asthma is an allergic disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of dyspnoea (difficult breathing), cough, and wheeze caused by reversible airways obstruction. Spasm of the bronchial tubes and excessive excretion of a viscous mucous in the lungs is also characteristic. The principal precipitants are cold air, exercise, emotion, allergens such as, house dust mite, pollen, animal fur, etc.
Case Report
A 11 year old boy came to see me brought by his mother; she argued that his son had been suffering of asthma for a long time. She mentioned that within the last year he had had at least seven strong episodes of asthma of which 3 times he required to be hospitalized, the last one been documented just one week before they came to see me.
In the acute attacks the boy usually presented the classical symptoms of asthma: difficulty breathing, wheezing respiration and cough with excretion of a yellowish to greenish mucous, sometimes with some bleeding through the nose. The main factor that precipitate the acute attacks seem to be external impressions, but it was reported in the hospital a high reactivity to dust and pollen.
On further investigation and following a normal homeopathic consultation in which we document all the symptoms of the patient I discovered a very shy boy, it was very difficult for him to say something to me; he was just covered behind his mother. Asking her about his personality she confirmed the shy he was at all the time with everybody, also that he was very sensitive emotionally, always worried about his parents getting to the point of anxiety when one of his parents was not at home; he was also very susceptible to external impressions making him to live with fear even to walk on the street.
After observing the conduct of the child and analyzing all his symptoms, I decided to prescribe him a single dose of Phosphorus 200c.
I saw him one month later and the improvement was incredible, he was more talkative and not hiding behind his mother, he even accepted to walk alone to the school not showing the amount of anxiety and fear that he was suffering before; that month his mother did not report any attack of asthma and she was happy about that. In this occasion I decided to continue with Phosphorus but I changed the concentration from 200c to 0/7LM single dose.
For the next 6 months the improvement was even better, he was more active, less shy, the anxiety was almost disappeared and no reports of acute asthma were present.
After three years from the first consultation, he has never been hospitalized again and his respiratory tract has no signs of been affected.
The causes of Asthma are multiple but the vast majority is classified as "extrinsic" factors (allergic), according to the literature; anyway, most of the patients who suffer of asthma have as well an emotional background that needs to be treated in order to guide them to a complete healing.
Homeopathy has been shown to be a very effective therapy in the treatment of allergic diseases, not just asthma but also eczema, food allergies and others. This is because homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition and not only in a diagnosis (egg. Asthma or diabetes, etc) like other conventional medicines do.
In this case was shown how important is to treat a patient as a whole person and not just divide him in organs or systems; before he started his journey through homeopathy, he was suffering of recurrent episodes of asthma ending some of them with this boy in the hospital, once the treatment with homeopathy was established his recovery was amazing, this does not means that every person who suffers of asthma is going to respond in the same way to the homeopathic treatment, that is because everybody is different, but at least you can expect that once you start a homeopathic treatment an improvement in every sphere of your life (mental, emotional and physical) will improve.
- Bailey PM. 1995 "Homeopathic Psychology: Personality Profile of the Major Constitutional Remedies" Ed. North Atlantic Books. Pp: 254- 272.
- Kent JT. 1999 "Lecciones de Materia Medica Homeopática" Ed. B.Jain Publishers LTD. Pp: 245-263.
- Longmore M, Wilkinson IB, Rajagopalan. 2004 "Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine" Ed. Oxford University Press. 6th edition Pp: 184- 187.
- Murray MT. 1996 "Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements" Ed. Three Rivers Press. 1st edition. Pp: 425-426.
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