Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Homeopathic Approach for the Treatment of Patients with Cancer


Homeopathy's roots emerge from the findings, teachings and writings of German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Hahnemann graduated from medical school in 1779 and started his own medical practice.

In 1790, as a result of his disillusionment with such common medical practices of the day (allopathy) such as purging, bloodletting, and the use of toxic chemicals, he gave up his own daily practice to begin working as a chemist while translating medical texts.
It was when Hahnemann began working on a project to translate William Cullen's Materia Medica into German that he began his quest for a better and gentler form of treating disease using the principles of "Similars." While working on this project, he became fascinated with a species of South American tree-bark (cinchona) which was being used to treat malaria-induced fever. Hahnemann ingested the bark and discovered that it caused symptoms similar to malaria. He continued his research into "cures" and the idea of "similar suffering," and began compiling his findings. Similia similibus curentur, the Latin phrase meaning "like can be cured with like" is one of the many principles of homeopathy. A homeopath searches for a substance that produces in a healthy person those same symptoms a patient experiences.

The Homeopathic Model
The homeopathic model is based on 8 principles (table 4); the first of them is the vital principle which is known as the vital force which is in charge of keeping the balance between the body and the mind (figure 1).

Table 2. The Homeopathic Principles
1.   Vital Principle
2.   Natura morborum medicatrix
3.   Similia similibum curantur
4.   Pure experimentation
5.   Individuality of the illness
6.   Individuality of the medication
7.   Minimum dose
8.   principle of the Miasmas
Source: Ortega 1997.


Figure 1. Outlines the balance between mind and body. 

Homeopathically speaking, illness is the disequilibrium of the vital force which will cause an unbalance on the relation between body (organs) and mind (emotions).  According to this model the sequence of illness starts with the disequilibrium of the vital force, followed by manifestations at the level of the mind, and once the body is not able to cope with these manifestations it will express the physical problem.

A physical problem will be manifested once a mental problem has been developed and your own nature is not able to heal it; both of them, the emotional problem and the physical manifestation will be in direct relation. Therefore, the physical manifestations are going to be of the same kind (defect, excess or destruction) as the manifestations of the mental symptoms.

It is important to recognise the mental/emotional aspects of both the person and also the state of suffering a remedy produces in a person, the idea of a remedy as being a feeling, as producing a feeling or very particular set of feelings. To give a remedy that is homeopathic is to give a remedy that produces the same feeling to that which is observed to be, in the suffering person. Therefore somehow suffering is related to feelings.

The attempt to distance oneself from the feelings of self is what creates stress and is the most significant origin of all pathology. Whether someone is suffering from an acute ailment, an infectious disease or chronic illness, it is the feeling that has emerged before or with the affliction, which gives to the person the true information within themselves.  Recovery and healing is the process of acceptance of our feelings and as this happens the stress and conflict within, which can manifest as illness and disease, becomes transformed into an inner integration and health. What Samuel Hahnemann calls "our Vital Force" includes the process of our very being wanting us to heal and it needs us to not resist our feelings as an enemy and rather to accept them as our friend.

When we talk about cancer, the first thing to think about is the emotional background that, in homeopathic terms, is the very first expression of the illness and therefore the real cause of the problem, treating this real cause the probability for the cancer to come back is very low. If once treated this problem we treat any other emotion that could have been originated by the diagnosis itself (cancer) like fear, death thoughts, low self-esteem, etc then the probabilities to suffer from a metastasis or recurrence are even lower.

Why Homeopathy?

Homeopathy has been described as a system for treating diseases based on the administration of minute doses of a drug that in massive amounts produces symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease itself. Allopathy on the other hand, is a method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects different from those caused by disease itself. Therefore, if a person suffers from a headache, the homeopath will prescribe a substance which, in a well person, will cause a headache of the same characteristics while an allopathic doctor will treat the same headache with a substance which causes effects different from a headache. 

Homeopathy restores health safely and permanently; while allopathy (conventional medicine) is used to suppress symptoms thinking that a symptom is the disease and the problem, homeopathy looks at the symptom as an expression of a condition that the body is fighting. The homeopath will choose a remedy that will cause the body to activate itself restorative mechanism and overcome the disorder.

Homeopathy could be described as an art more than as a science because homeopaths develop a great intuition and insight to get all the symptoms with accuracy, as an example, when someone suffers of headache it could have many variants so the homeopath has to patiently look for the exact symptoms to treat to be sure that the remedy chosen is the correct for that patient.

After all the experience developed through the years and the search for improvement, homeopathic doctors now are sure that they have to take into consideration, as very important symptoms, the emotional and spiritual state of the patient, meaning that these kind of symptoms are essential to the physical aspect of the patient, as a difference with the allopaths, which failure comes, simply from their lack of consideration of this important aspect of our lives.

In addition, if we compare both therapeutics, we will find that in most chronic diseases and many acute ones, conventional treatment merely covers up the symptoms, while homeopathy covers the totally of them.

Homeopathy can cure many chronic conditions that regular doctors only medicate. Conventional treatment causes adverse side effects, including long-term disabilities while homeopathy restores health safely.

Homeopathy is perfectly safe because it gives customized medicines which are selected on the basis of the individual’s symptoms, not on the condition, in very small doses.
Homeopathy helps the body to heal itself and can be used to prevent getting sick; it is cheaper in the short and long term because it cures. Many conditions in conventional medicine will require you to be on medication for the rest of your life, with routine blood test to make sure that you are not suffering from the side effects of the drug.

Ion Cleanse

on cleanse is a technique used to purify the body through the electrolysis of the water. It is designed to help our organism release toxins in our body (toxins are substances that are harmful to human beings). 

Ion cleanse can effectively detoxify your body by soaking your feet in an ionizing foot bath. It works off of positively and negatively charged ions.
This technique is often use for individuals entering in a weight management program, however we have proven the efficacy of this technique as a therapeutic aid in the treatment of patients with Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Allergies, Arthritis, Diabetes, Migraines and more.

The treatment consists on placing the array into a basin of clean water with a little bit of salt added to increase conductivity and to improve the ionization effect; the array will then generate a stream of positive and negative ions; you will soak your feet for 30 minutes, (depending on the reason of your treatment it could be during or after the homeopathic consultation) then just relax and enjoy your treatment.
We use this technique to assist in the treatment of multiple conditions but mainly to treat Cancer patients.

Far Infrared Heat Therapy 

Infrared rays are bands of light or energy that we perceive as heat, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable to penetrate into the body elevating its surface temperature and activating major functions.
Infrared therapy is safe for the body and effective for the treatment of many conditions due to the fact that it
  •  Stimulates increased blood flow, circulation and oxygenation
  • Promotes the elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood, therefore, it is good for detoxification
  • Promotes the killing of many pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites);
  • Promotes rebuilding of injured tissue, increasing the growth of cells, DNA syntheses and protein syntheses;
  • Relieves nervous tension, relaxes autoneuro muscles and reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms;
  • Stimulates the production of white blood cells by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus, therefore, the immune system gets stimulated.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Thanks for giving the useful information for the treatment of cancer...Medical Clinics in Dallas
    This information is very useful to me.
