Friday, September 24, 2010

Homeopathy – Everyone should consider homeopathic therapy

Science and Nature have always been very good friends of human being. They individually or combined have made the life of human very easy and comfortable. As and when we try to move away from any of these two, we are in great loss whether it’s in the form of natural calamities and illness (in case of nature) or lack of development (in case of science). One such combined gift of science and nature is the homeopathy.

Everyone one of us is familiar with this term homeopathy which has been derived from the Greek word homio means “like” and pathos means “suffering”. This term was first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1796. Hahnemann worked on the idea that “like cures like” and through a large no of proving and experiments concluded that the substance that causes certain symptoms in individual can be used for its curing also.

The medicine or the therapy used in the treatment of homeopathy are given a technical term as remedy. For preparation of remedy, plant, animal, minerals or synthetic compounds are used. This is done by the serial dilution of these compounds with continuous shaking.  This diluting process is repeated dozens of times to make a solution that contains few molecules of original compound. The diluting liquid used is generally water and alcohol.

Now the question arises how the substance causing diseases can cure it? Basically when the remedy enters body, it stimulates the natural immune system. As the substance present in remedy is in very diluted form it cannot cause any harm. With the activation of immune system, antibodies are generated against that substance and thus slowly cure the illness. Although it is very slow process but it is safe and effective.

Homeopathy has proved itself very efficient where diseases are not cured with conventional medicines. It’s an antidote for the problems like asthma, cold and cough, skin problems and all types of allergies. It is even beneficial in hazardous cases like cancer. One of the other benefits of homeopathy is that one develops a very nice patient -practitioner relationship. One has to be patient and give a regular visit to his homeopath. In this case homeopath needs not only know the patient from the health stand point but also about his lifestyle, emotional and mental functioning, and personality. This helps the homeopath to find the right remedy for the patient’s suffering.

In some cases it has been noticed that people don’t trust homeopathy. This is because it’s a slow process and certain precautions are required for the effective results. The most important thing is that dosage of the remedy should be taken properly and time to time. One has to be very cautious to avoid foreign substance contamination. In case of previous illness which was initially treated with allopathic medicines, homeopathy works slowly.

The prevalence of homeopathy varies from country to country. In some countries there are no legal provisions to practice it while in some legal formalities is required for permission.
In addition to so many benefits, the greatest being it is inexpensive and therefore can be afforded by any class of individual. So it’s not costing you anything to try it once and look for the results.

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